Dynamic positioning (DP) is a computer-controlled system to automatically maintain a vessel’s position and heading by using its own propellers and thrusters. Position reference sensors, combined with wind sensors, motion sensors and gyrocompasses, provide information to the computer pertaining to the vessel’s position and the magnitude and direction of environmental forces affecting its position. Examples of vessel types that employ DP include, but are not limited to, ships and semi-submersible mobile offshore drilling units (MODU), oceanographic research vessels, cable layer ships and cruise ships.
Important applications include:
This is due to the fact that, by the nature of the work performed, these vessels must hold a given position most of the time (for example, supply vessels, drilling vessels and mobile drilling platforms, vessels, ensure diving operations and others) or perform movements from position to position with high accuracy ( cable laying vessels, pipelaying vessels, seismic survey vessels, dredgers and others).
Less often, the DP system can be found on tankers, cruise passenger liners and others.
Elements of the system:
The power supply system includes all components and systems necessary for supplying the DP system with energy, namely:
The DP control system includes all components and systems, hardware, software and software, necessary for the task of the dynamic position of the vessel, and:
Classes of DP Systems
DP systems are divided into three classes (according to the degree of reliability):
Class 1 (DP 1). The “loss” of a given position by a ship can occur in the event of any single malfunction.
Class 2 (DP 2). “Loss” of position does not occur in the event of a single failure of any subsystem or component (propulsion, sensor, control console, etc.), including cables, pipes, etc.
Class 3 (DP 3). The term “single fault” includes, in addition to the faults specified for Class DP-2, the complete failure of all components within one waterproof or fireproof compartment due to fire or flooding.
For 13 years, the total tonnage of ships has doubled and this is not the limit. In 2006, the global merchant navy reached a billion dwt. To date, the deadweight of the world merchant fleet has passed the mark of two billion. And by 2033, three billion are predicted, but if the growth rate is […]
Dear Seafarers! We sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming Christmas and New Year! May your homes be warm and cozy, and your hearts be filled with joy and inspiration. We are grateful for your professionalism, dedication and trust in our company. We wish that the New Year 2025 will bring you new achievements, good health […]
The crew of the average merchant vessel of the year in commercial production in 1860 is about 250 people. In 1880 there were about 140 people. By 1900, when steamships forced out the sailboats, it finally fell to 100 people. The crew of the diesel commercial vessel in the middle of the 20th century is […]
Dear seafarers❗️ A petition appeared regarding the possibility of obtaining a seafarer’s passport abroad. The petition was filed by the USU organization today. Lin for signatures: https://petition.kmu.gov.ua/petitions/6082
‼️Important information for seafarers regarding foreign passports‼️ Dear Ukrainian sailors who are abroad! We remind you that all citizens of Ukraine have the opportunity to renew their foreign and domestic passports at the mobile points of the DP Document Center in Europe (Italy, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia) and in Istanbul, Turkey! Take care […]
An innovative research vessel is being built for the University of Hawaii at Manoa and the University of Hawaii Foundation (UHF) on behalf of the Hawai’i Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB) to allow them to access and study marine environments in the Hawaiian Islands. The unique design of the vessel will be fundamental to meeting […]
All info in this post!
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