

17 January

Important: Ensuring containers safety on board container ships

Uwe-Peter Schieder, Loss Prevention Manager at GDV (German Insurance Association – Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft) and Vice-Chair of IUMI’s Loss Prevention Committee, provides his comment on securing containers on deck of a container ship. Mr. Schieder says that there are six different motions in which vessels move in the sea, with the main of them […]

14 January

Readiness for Sulphur Cap 2020: alternative ship fuels

IMO Sulphur Cap 2020 is drawing ever closer; and it is already apparent that transition from 3.5% sulphur content to 0.5% will not be a plain sailing all over the world and is definitely going to  add some job to seafarers. However, it is imminent now; and Edmund Hughes, Head of Air Pollution and Energy […]

10 January

Interesting: top of 10 largest ships of the world

10. Mozah   Длина: 345 м Дедвейт: 128900 т Спущен на воду: 2007 год Флаг: Катар Статус: в эксплуатации   Mozah представляет собой первый корабль семейства танкеров Q-Max, предназначение которых – перевозка сжиженного природного газа, добываемого в месторождениях вблизи Катара. Спроектирован и построен в Южной Корее. Всего в эксплуатации сейчас находится 14 кораблей типа Q-Max.   […]

24 December

Panama Canal: 7 amazing facts

The Panama Canal–  a navigable canal connecting the Gulf of Panama with the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, is located on the Isthmus of Panama in the state of Panama. The 50-kilometer canal created an important shortcut for ships: after the canal was built, the path between New York and California became noticeably shorter, […]

20 December

Bridge Procedures: What to do in case of ECDIS system failure

It’s a fact, that ECDIS is becoming necessary and more vessels are relying wholly on it, bringing up concerns regarding OOW’s actions in the case of a failure on ECDIS system. The kind and number of failures vary from a single unit failure that may require the system’s reboot to a double failure on both […]

16 December

Know more: Scavenge Space Inspections

Scavenge Space Inspections. Impove your knowledges with us:  
