

30 October

View from the sea: amazing Iron Destiny vessel

Beautiful view from the sea to the ship of our Iron Destiny clients:

25 October

Interesting: northern sea route

The Northeast Passage (NEP) has been cropping up in the international and maritime news for a while now. The theme is that NEP is the shortest route from Asian to European ports; and with Arctic ice thawing it becomes navigable all year round. However, the industry leaders rebuff to use it one by one. In […]

15 October

What do you need to know about the Suez Canal?

The Suez Canal is an all-water canal in Egypt that connects the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. The channel zone is considered a conditional border between the two continents, Africa and Eurasia. The shortest waterway between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean – the Atlantic Ocean (the alternative route is 8 thousand km longer).The Suez Canal was […]

11 October

Interesting: the most significant and loaded seaports of the world

Сегодня мы сосредоточим свое внимание на самых продуктивных «морских воротах» мира, в которых ежедневно происходит перевалка, прибытие и отплытие просто гигантского количества кораблей и грузов. Глядя на количество обрабатываемых ими двадцатифутовых эквивалентов (так называемые TEU – от англ. twenty-foot equivalent unit), впору по-настоящему восхититься. И в данный ТОП войдут именно такие порты – самые значимые, […]

09 October

Electronic control system of MAN-B&W

The beginning of work on electronic control systems of two-stroke low-speed engines dates back to 1991, in 2003 the first 7SC50ME-C and 6SC70ME-C engines with electronic control were built and installed on tankers. The company was primarily developed and laid the basis for the electronic system software. Read more

04 October

2-4 October: PMM Officers Conference 2019

From October 2 to 4, a saturated and informative seminar was held for the officers of the PMM with the participation of more than 50 sailors, representatives of the PMM and Univis companies.  
